
Journalism Concentration

Student studying with laptop.

新闻集中使学生能够发展新闻技能,并在他们的研究领域担任公共作家的角色. 通过跨学科的课堂内知识探究和实践实习经历, 你将探索高质量新闻的基本作用:为公众写作,利用深入的研究和报告文学, 清醒的分析, and the inclusion of different points of view. You will build a portfolio, learning to read closely, interview sources effectively, synthesize information accurately, and express it clearly and gracefully.


The Journalism Concentration accepts up to 15 students per class year. 学生 may apply after having declared a major. Sophomores, juniors and Ada Comstock Scholars are encouraged to apply. The selection of concentrators is based on academic performance, intentionality and commitment, and diversity of the cohort. 已经修完入门课程和一门相关选修课的学生优先. 新闻专业的学生在与导师协商后设计自己的道路, 选择与新闻实践相关的课程,最适合他们的兴趣或需求——从一般任务报道到新闻摄影,再到学术学科内的公共写作.


JNX 150 The Journalistic Impulse
As the 网关 course for the Journalism Concentration, this course introduces students to journalism as a profession. It uses the personal as the lens through which to survey the field. The course covers basics of the profession, such as the role of journalism in a democracy, the lifecycle of a story (where it starts, 如何发展?, and the anatomy of a story (what counts as a journalistic story, how journalistic stories are constructed). 除了, the course invites working journalists as guest lecturers, enabling students to read, 聆听并讨论当代新闻业代表性领域的新闻报道.

ENG 136 Journalism Principles and Practice
In this intellectually rigorous writing class, students learn how to craft compelling “true stories,” using the journalist’s tools. 他们的研究, 报告, 写, 修改, source, and share their work—and, through interviewing subjects firsthand, understand how other people see the world. 我们考虑多种新闻风格和媒介,包括数字叙事.

本课程通过熟悉新闻方法来加深学生的能力, 包括面试, 报告, 写作和结构, 视听模式, and ethical considerations.

选修课 in the Concentration 

澳门葡京博彩软件, 各种各样的课程有意义地涉及面向公众的写作, 公共话语, 和媒体. These electives are loosely divided into four pillars:

  • 写作/练习重点:通过文章等实质性作业,明确参与面向公众的写作和练习, 播客, 照片/视频, 或电影;
  • 媒体素养焦点:批判性地审视媒体在社会中的存在、实践和影响;
  • 定量聚焦:提供对新闻实践有用的定量方法的基础, 包括统计数据, data analytics and visualization, and data journalism; and
  • 跨国焦点:在国际背景下探索上述任何一个.


写作/Practice 课程
  • AMS 351/ENG 384 Seminar: Topics in 写作 about American Society
  • BIO 380 Science in the Public Eye
  • IDP 107 Digital Media Literacy
  • ENG 135 Introduction to 写作 Creative Nonfiction
  • ENG 290 Crafting Creative Nonfiction
  • FMS 280 Introduction to Video Production
  • MUS 325 写作 About Music
  • NSC 316 Seminar: Neuroscience in the Public Eye
  • SDS 236数据新闻
  • 所有卡尔德伍德研讨会(300级)和经常eng291(湖泊写作工作坊).


Internships are an integral element of the Journalism Concentration. 学生完成两次实习,使每个学生获得实际操作, 具有新闻和公共写作专业工作的第一手知识. 学生有责任从当地广泛的可用实习机会中研究和获得合适的实习机会, 区域, 与集中顾问合作确定的国内和国际实习.

每次实习或实践经验必须由学生的专注顾问批准, involve a minimum of 100 documented hours of work, and receive a supervisor’s evaluation.

Internships in journalism, media and public writing vary widely in focus, content and competitiveness. 

顶石研讨会 & 项目

JNX 350: 顶石研讨会


Declaration of Concentration

Program of Study Declaration Form.
This is the last step in making the concentration official in Workday.

Practical Experience 形式

在与他们的顾问讨论了建议的实践经验之后, 学生需要填写相应的实践经验批准表,以便将经验计入专业要求:

  • Summer Internship (100 hours or more) → Internship Credit 应用程序
    所有参加暑期实习至少100小时的学生都有资格获得学分.25 credits per experience) that will appear on their transcript. We encourage all students who qualify to apply for internship credit. 学生 applying for Praxis funding don’t need to fill out this form, and should instead use the “Praxis with Credit” form below.
  • Unpaid Summer Internship (220 hours or more) → Praxis with Credit 应用程序
    所有澳门葡京博彩软件学生都有资格通过拉撒路中心的实践项目获得一次通常无薪实习的津贴. 这些实习必须在夏季进行,并且必须包括至少220个工作小时. 集中课程的学生有资格第二次申请Praxis课程——Praxis Plus. When applying for a Praxis internship, 申请人必须说明实习是否计入专业,并填写“实习学分”申请表.
  • Other Internships and 实践经验
    因在期中实习而不符合上述条件的学生, 在学年期间, 或者其他原因, should fill out the following forms.
    Prior to starting the internship please fill out the → Practical Experience Approval Form.
    Upon completion of the practical experience please fill out the Practical Experience Completion Form.
  • Retroactive Credit for an Experience
    在被接受进入队列之前完成了与集中相关的实践经验的学生应该尽快与他们的集中顾问讨论经验. Once the experience is approved, students must fill out the  Practical Experience Completion Form and check the “Retroactive Experience” box on the form.

Advising Checklist for Graduation

学生必须在最后一个学期开始时提交一份完整的集中建议清单. 此表格记录了浓度要求的完整组成部分, and must be signed by the student’s concentration adviser. Completed form should be sent to the registrar’s office (registrar@kuyax.net) and to the administrative coordinator for concentrations (concentrations@kuyax.net).

Practical Experience Information

组织 & 资源

组织 That Offer Internships

拉撒路中心是将学生与机会联系起来的重要合作伙伴,并编制了以前学生实习的清单. 过去的实习学生报告由拉撒路澳门葡京博彩软件编写, 2015-20年度澳门葡京博彩软件学生完成的出版或媒体汇总如下:


New England Journalism Internships

澳门葡京博彩软件的 国际项目 also provide opportunities for student internships. 学生应该和他们的留学顾问讨论过去的新闻实习和目前的机会. 澳门葡京博彩软件的 study abroad programs in Geneva, 弗洛伦斯, 巴黎和汉堡已经表示有可能将新闻实习与他们的项目结合起来.


您可以使用以下链接申请新闻专业的电子申请表格. The spring 2023 application deadline is 2023年3月10日.



Contact Journalism Concentration

The Jacobson Center for 写作, Teaching and Learning



北安普顿,MA 01063

导演: 指甲Moreira

Administrative Assistant:

Veeka Trofimova


写作 & 公共话语


澳门葡京博彩软件教授教授学生写作的方式正在发生转变, with 公共话语 at the center. 在澳门葡京博彩软件的课程中, 学科, 节目和活动, students don’t just get a chance to practice writing in the classroom, 他们也有机会将自己的想法付诸行动,改变世界.